Our simple goal is to inspire others. Take a look at the videos Real & Inspiring has curated for you, created by others who also want to spread the light, joy, and inspiration. Enjoy! If you like what you see, please take a moment to share with others and subscribe to our newsletter!
Derek Redmond Crosses the Finish Line
It was the Barcelona Olympics in 1992 when Derek Redmond injured his hamstring. This video is one of the most-watched…
Former Homeless Man Helps a Homeless Man
Eric, a former homeless man, helps a homeless man in need.
Lottery Prank Turns into a New Home
Magic of Rahat, an Internet prankster, first pranked this man by giving him a fake "winning" lottery ticket. The video…
Angela Shares How She Overcame Anxiety
At this Ted Talk, Angela shares how she personally overcame anxiety. She realized it was better to embrace it in…
Michelle Faced 100 Fears
Michelle realized she was paralyzed with fear, so she decided to face 100 fears one by one. In the process,…
Healing With Food
Nation Swell's video shows how a woman makes a big difference in her community through healing foods.
Car Wash for Change
National Swell's video of a family making a big difference in the autism community, one car at a time.
Medical Treatment on the Streets
Nation Swell's video about Dr. Jim Withers who medically helps people on the streets.
Hotel Cleaner Gets a $500 Tip
Give Back Films gives a hotel cleaner a $500 tip. Watch how this act of kindness makes her feel.
Dream to Go Home Comes True
Omar Gosh made a homeless man's dream to go home after eight years finally come true.
Surprising a Single Mom
Give Back Films organizes a great surprise for a much deserving family and single mother.
Six-Year-Old Makes Spelling Bee History
Here's the first first-grader in the National Spelling Bee!
Amazing Everyday Heroes
Great compilation of everyday real-life heroes doing amazing things for others.
The Truth about a Tough Teacher
Students learn the truth behind one of the toughest teachers. He's got a generous heart that keeps giving.
Police Surprise a Community
New Hampshire Police Department surprises community by giving out small gifts to law-abiding citizens. It's a new perspective for the…
Five Moving Stories of Kindness
Need a lift of inspiration? Take a look at these five real stories of people being kind to others.
Valuable Life Lesson from Son
Tearful message and valuable life lesson from a son who learned a painful lesson.
Deaf Woman Hears Marriage Proposal
Watch the joy of a woman not only hearing for the first time, but also getting a surprise proposal from…
A Janitor’s Biggest Surprise
How do you show the people in your life how much you care and appreciate them? This school partners with…