Recent Posts by alycerenee

A Mother’s Choice to Love & Sacrifice

At a young age, I learned countless lessons through simple observations in life. Many lessons profoundly influenced on me, molding me into the person I am today. At three years old, my mother became a foster parent to a colicky six-week old baby named Tim who had burned through five foster families in six weeks.…
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Liz Allen – Minneapolis, MN

"Five months after my miscarriage, I had experienced my first panic attack, which eventually became the frightening reality of up to 20 panic attacks in a single day." Liz Allen - Minneapolis, MN Snippet from "My Drive to Peace" see full story Photo Credit: Jennifer Wheeler
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My Drive to Peace

The dreadful feeling was growing. Sitting in my car at the red traffic light with my hands white knuckled at ten and two o’clock, my heart began to beat faster as the discomfort in my chest tightened. “No,” I thought to myself, “Not right now.” I lifted my right hand from the wheel and wiped…
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